Maurice Sendak (1928 –  2012) is an American author and illustrator of children’s books, most famous for his book, Where the Wild Things Are (1963) and considered one of the most influential children’s book artists of the 20th Century.

Sendak’s books have sold more than 50 million copies, distinguished by their unique humor, imagination and forthrightness, with an undercurrent darkness and mystery. He worked extensively as an author and illustrator with award-winning work in film, set and costume design.

Sendak’s enduring allure is captured in the January 2024 article in the New York Times, noting “Sendak’s minutely crosshatched, freewheeling pictures are as familiar and mysterious as the contours of your childhood bedroom in the dark. He was the rare adult who looked under the bed and drew what he saw.” The Denver Art Museum will exhibit more than 400 artworks created by Maurice Sendak in October 2024.

Right: Drawing on stone for the original lithograph “At Home with Jack and Guy” at Corridor Press.

Available prints by Maurice Sendak