an Online gallery for oRIGINAL PRINTs by leading contemporary artists

Otsdawa offers original hand-made prints from accomplished contemporary artists for discerning collectors. Our collection celebrates the unique capabilities of printmaking, the collaborative process, the beauty of works on paper and a diversity of styles, artists and vision.

Susan Moore

Painter and professor at Tyler School of Art for many years, Moore is known for the intimacy and intensity of her female figures and portraits. She has shown in numerous exhibitions and in the permanent collections of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The National Portrait Gallery, The New York Public Library and Woodmere Art Museum.

Maurice Sendak
At Home with Jack and Guy

Maurice Sendak is among the most influential children’s book artists of the 20th Century, famous for his books, Where the Wild Things Are, In the Night Kitchen and many others alongside award-winning work in film, costume and set design.


Tim Sheesley is a printmaker who grew up in upstate New York, moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico then to Philadelphia, PA and returned to Otego, NY with his family in 1992. For over 37 years he has been the owner and master printer of Corridor Press, a collaborative professional lithography print studio originally in Philadelphia and now in Otego. He served as the gallery director at the State University of New York at Oneonta, Martin-Mullen Art Gallery for seventeen years. He completed his undergraduate degree from SUNY Oneonta, received the distinction of Tamarind Master Printer from the Tamarind Institute of Lithography at the University of New Mexico, and received his MFA in printmaking from Tyler School of Art, Temple University in Philadelphia.

Kim Deitch
Yellow Kid Whiskey

Kim Deitch is a renowned American cartoonist and an important figure in the underground comix movement of the 1960s. His work spans original prints, books and comics often engaging the animation industry and characters from the cartoon world.

About Us.

Otsdawa is a father/daughter venture selling limited edition original prints. Our mission is to open the world of prints to a wider audience and promote the work of accomplished artists. Tim Sheesley is an artist, master printer and owner of Corridor Press, a collaborative professional lithography print studio. Sarah Sheesley grew up believing lithography and art-laden walls were a normal and essential part of life and is passionate about expanding the reach of original prints and encouraging everyone to own more art.

Pictured Above: Detail from Roller Cabinet by Tim Sheesley.